Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values

“¿Continuidad o cambio? El generalato entre los Austrias y los Borbones”, en Cuadernos Dieciochistas nº 15 (2014), pp. 47-72.

Military History / Early Modern History / Spanish History / Early modern Spain / Spanish Armed Forces. Professionalization of the army. Sources of information. / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / Spanish early modern History, Habsburg dynasty / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries) / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / Spanish early modern History, Habsburg dynasty / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries)

“La ciudad de Ceuta y la Monarquía Hispánica (1640-1700)”, Erasmo: revista de Historia Bajomedieval y Moderna , 2 (2015), pp. 80-100.

Military History / Early Modern History / Spanish History / History Portuguese and Spanish / Modern Spanish History / Early modern Spain / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / Ceuta history, Ceuta Archaeology / Ceuta and Melilla / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries) / Early modern Spain / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / Ceuta history, Ceuta Archaeology / Ceuta and Melilla / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries)

\"Una ciudad entre dos reinos: Ceuta entre Portugal y la Monarquía Hispánica (1640-1665)\", Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal, ISSN 2183-3176. 2ª Série Nº 4 (julho - dezembro 2015), pp. 19-50.

Military History / Early Modern History / History Portuguese and Spanish / Early modern Spain / Historia Militar / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / Ceuta history, Ceuta Archaeology / Ceuta and Melilla / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries) / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / Ceuta history, Ceuta Archaeology / Ceuta and Melilla / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries)

“Del Gran Capitán a los Tercios: La herencia de Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba en los Ejércitos de los Austrias (siglos XVI y XVII)”, Revista de Historia Militar, nº Extra II (2015), pp. 143-188.

Military History / Early Modern History / Spanish History / Early modern Spain / Revolution in military affairs / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries) / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries)

“Las nuevas funciones militares de la Chancillería de Valladolid durante el siglo XVII: el ejemplo de la superintendencia de la leva de 1676”, en Máximo García Fernández (ed.): Familia, cultura material y formas de poder en la España moderna, Madrid, FEHM, 2016, pp. 1133-1146.

Military History / Early Modern History / Early modern Spain / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / History of Military Recruitment / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries)

“La presencia militar alemana en los ejércitos peninsulares españoles durante la Guerra de Restauración portuguesa (1659-1668)”, en Yakka. Revista de estudios yeclanos, nº 20 (2013-2014), pp. 269-288.

Military History / Early Modern History / Early modern Spain / Spanish Armed Forces. Civil society. The social values / History of Military Recruitment / History of Spanish Army (XVI-XVII centuries)
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